Proper connect_port
[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / extras / the jucer / src / model / paintelements / jucer_PaintElementPath.h
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
29 #include "jucer_ColouredElement.h"
30 #include "jucer_ElementSiblingComponent.h"
31 class PathPointComponent;
32 class PaintElementPath;
35 //==============================================================================
36 /**
38 class PathPoint
40 public:
41 //==============================================================================
42 PathPoint (PaintElementPath* const owner);
43 PathPoint (const PathPoint& other);
44 PathPoint& operator= (const PathPoint& other);
45 ~PathPoint();
47 //==============================================================================
48 PaintElementPath* owner;
50 Path::Iterator::PathElementType type;
52 RelativePositionedRectangle pos [3];
54 //==============================================================================
55 int getNumPoints() const;
57 void changePointType (const Path::Iterator::PathElementType newType,
58 const Rectangle<int>& parentArea,
59 const bool undoable);
61 void deleteFromPath();
62 void getEditableProperties (Array <PropertyComponent*>& properties);
64 private:
65 const PathPoint withChangedPointType (const Path::Iterator::PathElementType newType,
66 const Rectangle<int>& parentArea) const;
70 //==============================================================================
71 /**
73 class PaintElementPath : public ColouredElement
75 public:
76 //==============================================================================
77 PaintElementPath (PaintRoutine* owner);
78 ~PaintElementPath();
80 //==============================================================================
81 void setInitialBounds (int parentWidth, int parentHeight);
82 const Rectangle<int> getCurrentBounds (const Rectangle<int>& parentArea) const;
83 void setCurrentBounds (const Rectangle<int>& b, const Rectangle<int>& parentArea, const bool undoable);
85 //==============================================================================
86 bool getPoint (int index, int pointNumber, double& x, double& y, const Rectangle<int>& parentArea) const;
87 void movePoint (int index, int pointNumber, double newX, double newY, const Rectangle<int>& parentArea, const bool undoable);
89 const RelativePositionedRectangle getPoint (int index, int pointNumber) const;
90 void setPoint (int index, int pointNumber, const RelativePositionedRectangle& newPoint, const bool undoable);
92 int getNumPoints() const throw() { return points.size(); }
93 PathPoint* getPoint (int index) const throw() { return points [index]; }
94 int indexOfPoint (PathPoint* const p) const throw() { return points.indexOf (p); }
96 PathPoint* addPoint (int pointIndexToAddItAfter, const bool undoable);
97 void deletePoint (int pointIndex, const bool undoable);
99 void pointListChanged();
101 int findSegmentAtXY (int x, int y) const;
103 //==============================================================================
104 bool isSubpathClosed (int pointIndex) const;
105 void setSubpathClosed (int pointIndex, const bool closed, const bool undoable);
107 bool isNonZeroWinding() const throw() { return nonZeroWinding; }
108 void setNonZeroWinding (const bool nonZero, const bool undoable);
110 //==============================================================================
111 void getEditableProperties (Array <PropertyComponent*>& properties);
113 void fillInGeneratedCode (GeneratedCode& code, String& paintMethodCode);
115 //==============================================================================
116 static const char* getTagName() throw() { return "PATH"; }
117 XmlElement* createXml() const;
118 bool loadFromXml (const XmlElement& xml);
120 void setToPath (const Path& p);
122 //==============================================================================
123 void draw (Graphics& g, const ComponentLayout* layout, const Rectangle<int>& parentArea);
124 void drawExtraEditorGraphics (Graphics& g, const Rectangle<int>& relativeTo);
126 void resized();
127 void parentSizeChanged();
129 void mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e);
130 void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e);
131 void mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e);
133 void createSiblingComponents();
134 void changed();
136 private:
137 friend class PathPoint;
138 friend class PathPointComponent;
139 OwnedArray <PathPoint> points;
140 bool nonZeroWinding;
141 mutable Path path;
142 mutable Rectangle<int> lastPathBounds;
143 int mouseDownOnSegment;
144 bool mouseDownSelectSegmentStatus;
146 const String pathToString() const;
147 void restorePathFromString (const String& s);
148 void updateStoredPath (const ComponentLayout* layout, const Rectangle<int>& parentArea) const;
149 int getBorderSize() const;
151 void rescalePoint (RelativePositionedRectangle& pos, int dx, int dy,
152 double scaleX, double scaleY,
153 double scaleStartX, double scaleStartY,
154 const Rectangle<int>& parentArea) const;
158 //==============================================================================
161 class PathPointComponent : public ElementSiblingComponent
163 public:
164 //==============================================================================
165 PathPointComponent (PaintElementPath* const path_,
166 const int index, const int pointNumber);
168 ~PathPointComponent();
170 //==============================================================================
171 void updatePosition();
172 void showPopupMenu();
174 //==============================================================================
175 void paint (Graphics& g);
176 void mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e);
177 void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e);
178 void mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e);
180 void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*);
182 private:
183 PaintElementPath* const path;
184 PaintRoutine* const routine;
185 const int index;
186 const int pointNumber;
187 int dragX, dragY;
188 bool selected, dragging, mouseDownSelectStatus;